CRCT to Buy 3 Chinese Malls From CapitaLand

News about CapitaLand China Trust

CapitaLand Retail China Trust (CRCT) has announced the aquisition of 3 Chinese malls from its sponsor CapitaLand. CapitaMall Xuefuand and CapitaMall Aidemengdunin (in Heilongjiang), and CapitaMall Yuhuating (in Hunan) will be acquired for about S$589.2 million with an implied Net Property Income yield of 6.0%.

CRCT has yet to finalize financing as it expects to use a mix of debt and equity.

CapitaLand China Trust
Price0.680 SGD
NAV1.180 SGD
Yield (4 quarters)9.91%