Mapletree Commercial Makes S$902.3 Million Equity Raise

News about Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust

Mapletree Commercial Trust is raising equity to fund the acquisition of Mapletree Business City (phase 2) buy issuing 406.5 million new units, with:

  • A private placement of S$200.9 million, at $2.24 to $2.28 per share
  • A public right issue, with the option to buy up to 71 new units for every 1,000 held, at a price of $2.20 to $2.24 per new unit

The public preferential offering will be open from October 30 to November 7 at 5pm.

Mapletree Pan Asia Commercial Trust
Price1.220 SGD
NAV1.730 SGD
Yield (4 quarters)6.85%