Mapletree Logistics Not Planning Merger With Mapletree Industrial

News about Mapletree Logistics Trust

Following the merger of Mapletree Commercial and Mapletree North Asia trusts, questions have been raised about the possibility of the manager to also merge two of its bigger REITs, Mapletree Logistics (MLT) and Mapletree Industrial (MIT), given the overlap in the properties they own. ShentonWire reports that the question was answered by MLT:

“We believe that there is sufficient differentiation between MLT and MIT in terms of asset type, geography and tenant profile, and they are both operating at a meaningful scale individually with promising growth prospects in their respective sectors,” Mapletree Logistics Trust said in answers to questions from shareholders ahead of an extraordinary general meeting (EGM) this week.

Mapletree Logistics Trust
Price1.290 SGD
NAV1.340 SGD
Yield (4 quarters)6.44%
Mapletree Logistics Trust